
Andreas Welsch

Speaker. Thought Leader. AI in Business.

I help leaders get results by implementing AI with confidence.I'm passionate about empowering people to become the superhero of their AI story — no cape required. Just curiosity.

Andreas Welsch.

Andreas Welsch is an internationally recognized AI leader, advisor, and speaker known for helping the world’s leading enterprises turn technology hype into business outcomes.Most recently, in global leadership roles at SAP, he has advised Fortune 500 leaders on realizing business value from AI, accelerated the integration of AI across enterprise applications, and positioned SAP as the leader for Business AI. Before that, Andreas led global IT process automation projects. Outside of work, he contributes to academia as an Adjunct Professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of AI, Robotics, and Workplace Automation.Andreas is a frequent keynote speaker & panelist, and has been named a LinkedIn Top Voice, Thinkers360’s Top 10 Thought Leader in Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI, The Futurum Group's Top 14 AI Influencer, SwissCognitive’s Top 50 Global AI Ambassador, and engatica’s Top 200 Worldwide Business & Technology Innovator. He is an active member of the Harvard Business Review Council and a Gartner Peer Community Ambassador.

Andreas has recently been recognized:

All of my content will be tailored for your audience — their industry, level of understanding, and need.

When I join your event, your audience can expect:

When I join your event,
your audience can expect:

  • Engaging content that helps them see how AI can give their business a competitive edge

  • Actionable recommendations they can implement today

  • Useful insights from leading AI projects with Fortune 500 companies

  • Tangible examples that bring AI in Business to life

I make sure each audience member leaves with a plan to lead their AI journey — and, most importantly, the confidence to execute it.

I want your audience to walk away with the feeling like AI is the new superpower for their business.

Let’s talk about how to make this a reality…

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker at your next event or podcast episode.

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker.



Inspire your audience to see AI from a different viewpoint — the view of your business. Get actionable insights that your team can readily apply to set up & scale AI in your business. Collaborate better between business and technology teams.Duration: 30-60 minutes
Format: Virtual and in-person



Nothing beats an engaging conversation. Provide a unique angle to your audience on running AI projects in the enterprise. Bring it to life in the context of your podcast’s theme, grounded in industry experience and a global leadership perspective.Duration: 30-60 minutes
Format: Audio and video



Prepare yourself to lead AI projects in business before you are in the job. Build the necessary skills via step by step digital courses (in planning). Provide a practitioner's view to MBA and Management Information Systems students to make AI tangible.Duration: 60-120 minutes
Format: Virtual

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker at your next event or podcast episode.

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker.

Ha Dao

CEO & Co-Founder

“Andreas has delivered the opening keynote for our annual Global AI Webinar with 10,000+ participants. His keynote set the tone for this two-day event and has been among the top 3 sessions, based on attendee feedback. We specifically wanted to work with Andreas because of his thought leadership and practical experience leading AI projects in the enterprise.”

Olivier Gomez

CEO & Co-Founder

“I love the fact that Andreas speaks from experience and that he can convey complex things in simple terms. I particularly like his ability to make AI tangible, although AI is something complex, big, broad — and is evolving rapidly. As the market moves more and more to AI, Andreas’ perspective will help those who are about to set up their AI CoE.”

Jordan Reisner

President, AI Club
Kellogg School of Business

“Andreas has joined our speaker series that the AI Club at Kellogg School of Business organizes to learn from leaders in the industry. My fellow MBA students and I were inspired by Andreas’ career story and have a better understanding now of how AI is relevant to all aspects of business, and how future leaders can support innovation.”

How we’ll work together.

How we’ll work

Before joining your event or podcast episode you will get:

  • 4 weeks before: Schedule prep call to align on theme, topic, and questions

  • 2 weeks before: You will receive the slides for the session

  • 1 week before: We do a tech check and dry-run together

Timing and deliverables can be flexible upon request to meet your individual needs.

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker.

Don’t miss your chance to have Andreas as a speaker.


Andreas Welsch is an internationally recognized AI leader, advisor, and speaker known for helping the world’s leading enterprises turn technology hype into business outcomes.Most recently, in global leadership roles at SAP, he has advised Fortune 500 leaders on realizing business value from AI, accelerated the integration of AI across enterprise applications, and positioned SAP as the leader for Business AI. Before that, Andreas led global IT process automation projects. Outside of work, he contributes to academia as an Adjunct Professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of AI, Robotics, and Workplace Automation.Andreas is a frequent keynote speaker & panelist, and has been named a LinkedIn Top Voice, Thinkers360’s Top 10 Thought Leader in Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI, The Futurum Group's Top 14 AI Influencer, SwissCognitive’s Top 50 Global AI Ambassador, and engatica’s Top 200 Worldwide Business & Technology Innovator. He is an active member of the Harvard Business Review Council and a Gartner Peer Community Ambassador.

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